Captive British photojournalist John Cantlie is narrating a new propaganda video released Tuesday by the Islamic State — ominously calling the 12-minute clip the “last film in this series.”

Cantlie, who has been held hostage for more than two years by ISIS militants, covers a range of topics in the new video, titled “From Inside Halab,” including education, drone strikes and Sharia law, The Belfast Telegraph reported. Halab is the Arabic name for Aleppo, Syria.

In the latest film, the journalist calls the Islamic State’s advances “remarkable and breathtaking,” saying that despite parts of Aleppo being “smashed to rubble” by the Syrian army and US warplanes, the city still has a “thriving economy” under ISIS rule.

“One of the common accusations of the West is that under Islamic State, education will suffer. Religious studies and changes to the curriculum don’t quite fit their image of progressive schooling,” Cantlie says.
“But here in Halab, these young men here are learning Quran recital and languages and with any luck they will form the mujahideen for the next generation in this region.”

This is the third ISIS propaganda video Cantlie has appeared in while being held captive.

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