Nick Gordon, the boyfriend of troubled celebrity offspring Bobbi Kristina Brown, is in a bad state as he undergoes rehabilitation treatment, according to the man who helped raise him.

Jack Walker Jr. — who was never married to Gordon’s mother but is described as Gordon’s “unofficial ‘stepfather'” and “the only father figure Gordon has ever had” — sat down with Shaun Robinson of “Access Hollywood” to discuss Gordon’s current condition.

According to Walker, it looks pretty grim.

“He’s out of control right now. He’s hurt,” Walker said. “He’s hitting rock bottom with this.”

During an appearance on “Dr. Phil” that aired Wednesday, Gordon admitted to taking alcohol and Xanax, crying and lashing out on occasion.

Gordon was sent to rehab after he taped the appearance. During his interview with Robinson, Walker was uncertain as to whether the therapy will help.

“Time will tell,” Walker said, adding that he and Gordon haven’t talked about the specifics of his stay at the facility: “I don’t talk to him about exactly how that is. I just talk to him about staying strong. We got your back. Keep your head up. Keep your chin up.”

Walker does believe, however, that if Brown — who was rushed to the hospital and placed in a medically induced coma after she was found unresponsive and face-down in her bathtub — fails to recover, Gordon’s own life could be in peril.

“If something happens to Bobbi Kristina … if she doesn’t pull through then I will fear for my son’s life,” Walker said of Gordon.

Gordon has stated that he’s been barred from visiting Brown, the daughter of Bobby Brown and deceased singer Whitney Houston — in the hospital.

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