shotsdboss: To be a nationalist in Africa is to give ur life. As u can see none of the western multinationals this people stood up against are present in the pictures just fellow Africans to act like their people wanted them dead. My issues are not with such blatant use of traitors and armed uncle toms, my issues are we Africans. How can we forget such men or accept the enemies narrative of their efforts. The worst part is that we donate every week to a white Jesus ( who knew he was going to ressurect) who died for us but never to the cause of the many Africans who died for us too without the promise of resurrection. We pay them with the bitter coin of obscurity. The enemies of Africa who have been imposed on us since the 60s will enforce it further by not teaching us the true history because their evil deeds will be exposed and we just might rise to be free. President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria was the first black African to publicly endorse the murder of ghaddafi. If I was to vote this is the biggest nail in his coffin. Sir why did u endorse the murder of ghaddaffi?

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