A demon possessed South African woman who said that she had masterminded Prophet TB Joshua’s church collapse last year and caused the death of 84 South Africans and 3 Zimbabweans is out to kill Prophet TB Joshua and President Jacob Zuma.

In a video released by Charis Missionary Church, she was seen saying:

“People go to Nigeria, heee, they go to Nigeria, I will pick them, I will destroy that church. You don’t know me. I’m coming, now I’m going to Tanzania, yes, you will know me, I’ll get more powers,” she said.

As if that was not enough, the seemingly evil and demon-possessed woman also declared to kill President Jacob Zuma whom she accused of bringing foreigners into the neighbouring country.

“I will Kill Zuma, he brings people, he makes people unite, I’m tired, he brings people, foreigners, Chinas, Indians, Nigerians, all of these people, they come here, ah no, no, I’m tired,” she said while being confronted by the apostle.

The woman only identified herself in the video as “the boss”, the boss of this world who kills people. She said if foreigners continue coming into South Africa, she will kill them all.

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