Luke Ruehlman told his name was Pam when he was a woman in a past life.

Was a woman who died in a devastating Chicago hotel blaze more than 20 years ago reincarnated as a little boy?

That's the bizarre claim of Ohio 5-year-old Luke Ruehlman, who is apparently convinced he was once called Pam and perished in a previous life after leaping from a burning building.

His mom Erica said he started talking about the unknown woman when he was just 2 years old, reports Fox 8.

She had no idea from where the toddler had picked the name up, as the Cincinnati family didn't know any Pams.

When she quizzed him further, he revealed he actually used to be called Pam - who he described as a girl with black hair.
"He was like, 'Well I used to be, but I died and went to heaven and I saw God and eventually God pushed me back down. When I woke up I was a baby and you named me Luke," she told Fox 8.

Ruehlman was stunned. She pressed him more, and asked how she died.

"He looked right at me and said, 'Yea it was fire.' And at that point he made like a motion with his hand like he was jumping off a building," Ruehlman told the station.

She claims he then detailed how Pam had lost her life in "a tall building" and had previously "traveled on the train in Chicago."

Ruehlman was bewildered as the family had never visited the Windy City, and she didn't ever remember even mentioning it to her son.

She then did some Internet digging, and discovered that a blaze at Chicago's Paxton Hotel had claimed the lives of 19 people in 1993.

One of the victims was, weirdly, a black woman in her 30s named Pamela Robinson. Luke's grandma Lisa Trump was convinced that the story was not just a coincidence.

The family appeared on the "Ghost Inside My Child" show on the Lifetime Movie Network, on which Luke immediately picked out Pam's picture.

They then contacted Pam's daughter, and discovered that the child and her late mom enjoyed the same kind of music.

But, soon after, Luke appeared to just let the memory of the woman go.

"It was like he got it out. He was finished and had nothing more to say about it," Ruehlman told Fox 2 Now.

She said that the story, for which she claims not to have received any money, needed to be told because — deep down — "it's a positive one" of "unification."

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