Three weeks ago US president Barrack Obama planted a tree covered in leaves in India, now it is just a single stem according to reports.

According to AP, Obama’s peepal tree (also known as a sacred fig) has been giving Indian officials sleepless nights as local media blasted them for allowing it to die.

This led to them calling in BC Katiyar, a government horticulturist, who pronounced it to be in good health.

Peepal trees are semi-deciduous and apparently often shed their leaves around this time of year, and Katiyar expects that it will send new shoots out soon.

The tree is considered sacred in Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Hindu ascetics meditate under the trees, and Gautama Buddha was said to have attained enlightenment while meditating under one.

According to India Today the tree was planted on the other side of the same walkway where Clinton planted one in 2000.

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