It was November 22, 2012, I was on the way to the doctor to have him look at a bump that I noticed on my beautiful baby girl and only child Lindsey's stomach a month earlier. It was very small at the time and I didn't think much of it, but when I looked the day before it had grown quite a bit and now looked red and irritated, I admit I was scared. It was her birthday the day before and I couldn't help but think how crazy it would be to go from such a joyous day of celebration to such a dark day if it turned out to be serious. It was a miracle that she even came into this World. I was told I couldn't conceive due to endometriosis. Finding out I was pregnant was the happiest day of my life besides the day she was born. 

Fast forward through a series of tests to the doctor giving me the news every parent has nightmares about hearing: your daughter has cancer. To be exact, Childhood Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma. My whole body went numb and pretty much shut down. I didn't want her to see me in tears, even while being in total shock I knew I had to show her nothing but strength, that she could never have any doubt that she would be fine. When I finally got home that night and was alone I completely broke down. My whole life with her flashed before my eyes, she was my World, my everything, my reason to live. I had a feeling of such helplessness, her whole life up to this point I had been able to make it better, to help her pain go away, dry her tears. This time there was nothing I could do to fix it.

Fast forward again. After undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatment, we got the good news: it was successful, the cancer was gone. I could literally feel the relief wash over my body, I was so drained mentally and physically I felt like I had run a marathon everyday since the diagnosis. Almost two years later something caught my eye and when I looked again I had to stop myself from screaming. There it was again, close to the same spot. Again I had to stop myself from breaking down. So many thoughts started racing through my head and then all I could think over and over was "Dear God not again". I couldn't believe it. We had finally moved past it, we had beaten it. Unfortunately for us it's not always that simple. Back to the doctor, a horrific sense of impending doom combined with deja vu. More tests, then the time came. The news was much worse this time. It was back, and it had spread too much for the same treatment. I couldn't help it this time, I fell to the floor and completely lost it. It wasn't fair, God can't take my miracle baby girl away.

Fast forward to now. We have only one hope for a cure: An experimental treatment that costs around $180,000. It has a high success rate, but we only have 1-2 months before it's too late. I truly believe a higher power led me to create this fundraiser. I will fight until the end to save my only child. If there is only 1 second left I will still be trying as hard as I can. Thank you so much for your time, prayers, and support.

Click here for more details: Help Lindsey Get Life Saving Cancer Treatment

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  1. Just so you know, this is a known scam. They've shut down the myriad Go Fund Me and others that this scammer has tried to set up - the picture was stolen from modelling sites, and the info was spammed over twitter.

